9 Best Furukawa Nagisa quotes from CLANNAD

Best Furukawa Nagisa

1- “Meeting you was the best thing that ever happened to me. You made me so happy. I don’t want you to be lost or afraid or anything like that. From here on out, I know things might be hard sometimes. But no matter what may await, please don’t regret meeting me.
” Furukawa Nagisa

Furukawa Nagisa quotes

2- “If you can move on, then you should.
” Furukawa Nagisa

Furukawa Nagisa quotes

3- “Nothing can stay unchanged. Fun things… Happy things… They can’t possibly remain the same.
” Furukawa Nagisa

Furukawa Nagisa quotes

4- “You shouldn’t stop like that. If you can move forward, then you should.
” Furukawa Nagisa

Furukawa Nagisa quotes

5- “I, Okazaki Nagisa, will no longer cry. No matter what painful things I face, I’ll hang in there and overcome it. But, I might cry during moments of happiness. I hope that you can get along… with someone like me.
” Furukawa Nagisa

Furukawa Nagisa quotes

6- “Life can bring lots of hardships, but it’s always important to keep in mind that there are people around you who care for you, and are willing to help you through whatever you’re dealing with.
” Furukawa Nagisa

Furukawa Nagisa quotes

7- “Dango, dango, dango, dango. Big dango family.
” Furukawa Nagisa

Furukawa Nagisa quotes

8- “Our journey starts, on this long, long steep slope.
” Furukawa Nagisa

Furukawa Nagisa quotes

9- “Fun things…Happy things…They can’t all possibly stay unchanged. Even so, can you go on loving this place?
” Furukawa Nagisa

Furukawa Nagisa quotes
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