9 best Kaizaki Arata quotes from ReLIFE

Best Kaizaki Arata quotes

1- “Slowly, by spending time together with that person, your love for him will grow bigger.
” Kaizaki Arata

Kaizaki Arata quotes

2- “Someday we’ll part. Maybe be forgotten. But we’re living in the moment. So… make lots of friends, fall madly in love, and enjoy every moment to the fullest.
” Kaizaki Arata

Kaizaki Arata quotes

3- “Being rivals does not mean being an enemy.
” Kaizaki Arata

Kaizaki Arata quotes

4- “Studying is important, but I think love is too. It’s the last summer of high school. It’s a precious time that won’t come again.
” Kaizaki Arata

Kaizaki Arata quotes

5- “Please, let that iron guard down for a minute. It’s only hurting you. I know when you’ve hit rock bottom, people trying to cheer you up can be really annoying. “What would you know?” “Just leave me alone.” But what if someone you’re pushing away is really worried about you? That’d be a shame.
” Kaizaki Arata

Kaizaki Arata quotes

6- “But there’s something a little sad about them [fireworks], too. They’re so flashy, pretty and exciting, but as they fade, you feel sort of lonely.
” Kaizaki Arata

Kaizaki Arata quotes

7- “You’re just too busy comparing yourself to others to see. Those comparisons aren’t the only measure. Don’t say it’s all pointless. You’ve work hard and made yourself better. That’s what you got in return. So don’t put yourself down like this.
” Kaizaki Arata

Kaizaki Arata quotes

8- “Trying to knock others down a peg just means lowering yourself. Don’t go trampling all the hardwork and trust you’ve build up. It insults the effort you put in.
” Kaizaki Arata

Kaizaki Arata quotes

9- “There is no right answer for getting along. Different people require different answers.
” Kaizaki Arata

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Kaizaki Arata quotes

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