11 best Mamoru Chiba quotes from Sailor Moon

Best Mamoru Chiba quotes

1- “You – Idiot! Go ahead and cry! When I’m with you, you don’t have to hold back. Usagi runs into his arms, sobbing.
” Mamoru Chiba

Mamoru Chiba quotes

2- “You must believe in yourself, follow your path without fear.
” Mamoru Chiba

Mamoru Chiba quotes

3- “One day, we will vanish. New senshi and new stars will be born. But you, Sailor Moon, you will forever be immortal. You will be the most beautiful star shining in the sky for eternity.
” Mamoru Chiba

Mamoru Chiba quotes

4- “Meatball head, don’t go in there alone! You’d probably get lost in your own closet!
” Mamoru Chiba

Mamoru Chiba quotes

5- “referring to Tsukino Are you stupid, or just incredibly lazy?
” Mamoru Chiba

Mamoru Chiba quotes

6- “I am Darian, Prince of Earth.
” Mamoru Chiba

Mamoru Chiba quotes

7- “You use you power only for evil, Jedite. Big mistake.
” Mamoru Chiba

Mamoru Chiba quotes

8- “Bullying little kids, how far you go, pal? Are you just a schoolyard bully?
” Mamoru Chiba

Mamoru Chiba quotes

9- “That’s as good an excuse as any. Now it’s my turn. You better take some notes, ’cause you’re gonna get beaten and beaten badly.
” Mamoru Chiba

Mamoru Chiba quotes

10- “Very impressive, you didn’t land a single punch.
” Mamoru Chiba

Mamoru Chiba quotes

11- “You’ve got guts, Jupiter. But it takes more than guts to beat the Negaverse. Give up now, you’ll never win.
” Mamoru Chiba

Mamoru Chiba quotes
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