7 Best Revy quotes from Black Lagoon

Best Revy quotes

1- “Whether we live or die isn’t a big issue. If you focus on being alive, you develop fear. Your eyes get clouded. But if you have no such feelings… you are capable of fighting right to the end of the world.
” Revy

Revy quotes

2- “You’ve got to enjoy life, or else you’ll end up wasting it.
” Revy

Revy quotes

3- “Rock, if you think about it, other than this, what do we really value in life? God? Love? Don’t make me laugh. When I was a brat, crawling around in that shithole city, it seemed God and Love were always sold out when I went looking. Before I knew better, I clung to God and prayed to Him every single night — yeah, I believed in God right up until that night the cops beat the hell out of me for no reason at all. All they saw when they looked at me was another little ghetto rat. With no power and no God, what’s left for a poor little Chinese bitch to rely on? It’s money, of course, and guns. Fuckin’ A. With these two things, the world’s a great place.
” Revy

Revy quotes

4- “God is emotional bullshit.
” Revy

Revy quotes

5- “If you cling to life, you live in fear of death. And that fear will cloud your judgment.
” Revy

Revy quotes

6- “All they saw in me was another little ghetto rat with no power and no God. What’s left for a poor little Chinese bitch to rely on? It’s money of course. And guns. Fuckin’ A, with these two things, the world is a great place.
” Revy

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Revy quotes

7- “What a terrible story. But appropriate for our world. Sometimes I feel like I’m walking over a giant pile of shit. Morality and justice don’t really suit me. Words like that and what comes out of asses are surprisingly similar.
” Revy

Revy quotes

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