8 best Yato quotes from Noragami

Best Yato quotes

1- “You’ve finally realized that the one thing you want, something greater than money, it can never be yours.
” Yato

Yato quotes

2- “Life and death are like light and shadow. They’re both always there. But people don’t like thinking about death, so subconsciously, they always look away from it.
” Yato

Yato quotes

3- “To put things simply, if your past makes your present… Then your present can and will make your future. When you think about it that way… You absolutely have the potential to be anything you want to be, don’t you agree?
” Yato

Yato quotes

4- “You shouldn’t judge people by how they look.
” Yato

Yato quotes

5- “Duh!! There’s no such thing as free wish.
” Yato

Yato quotes

6- “You should treat me with awe and wonder!
” Yato

Yato quotes

7- “Even if things are painful and tough, people should appreciate what it means to be alive.
” Yato

Yato quotes

8- “Man, kids these days. They think it’s a competition to have the most friends. One is enough. Find someone completely unique.
” Yato

Yato quotes
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