14 best Haruhiro quotes from Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash

14 Best Haruhiro quotes

1- “It’s a battle of life and death, and I’m still alive! So I’m not going to give up, and I’ll keep living. I’ll keep living until I die.
” Haruhiro

Haruhiro quotes

2- “We fall into a routine and make careless mistakes because of that. Maybe it’d be good for us to have some excitement or be under pressure once in a while.
” Haruhiro

Haruhiro quotes

3- “Yeah, we’ve become friends. When you’re in the same party, there will be times when things don’t go smoothly, when you get angry, and when you fight. But they really are your precious friends. It doesn’t matter why you became friends, but that you are friends at this moment.
” Haruhiro

Haruhiro quotes

4- “I know we can’t immediately treat her as part of our group, but if we always think of her as an outsider, she’ll never have a chance to become part of our group.
” Haruhiro

Haruhiro quotes

5- “It doesn’t matter what you were like before. Nobody cares.
” Haruhiro

Haruhiro quotes

6- “As for me, I have a lot of things that I’m not good at and that I need to work on. My comrades make up for those weaknesses by help me out, and maybe that’s how we’ve found a balance in our party.
” Haruhiro

Haruhiro quotes

7- “It seems like we spent a long time together, but it wasn’t. It was actually pretty short. Too short. So I kind of know, but I kind of don’t know what I want to say. He was friendly, easy to talk to, and smart. He could do anything and was reliable. I thought he was perfect. But maybe I just didn’t realize what his faults were. He might have been hiding his flaws.
” Haruhiro

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Haruhiro quotes

8- “Nobody knows what will happen in the future. Something even better might happen tomorrow.
” Haruhiro

Haruhiro quotes

9- “You said that she’s no different from us, right? So if we don’t try to get to know her, she won’t try to get to know us either. If we don’t treat her as a friend, she won’t treat us as her friends either, right?
” Haruhiro

Haruhiro quotes

10- “After today, tomorrow will come again. Maybe I’ve been taking that for granted. But now… It’s not easy, huh…
” Haruhiro

Haruhiro quotes

11- “Are our enemies the kobolds? No, our real enemies are our overly weak selves.
” Haruhiro

Haruhiro quotes

12- “I now have things that I don’t want to forget, and things that I shouldn’t forget. And I don’t plan to ever forget those things, as long as I live.
” Haruhiro

Haruhiro quotes

13- “If we had spent more time together, maybe I would have seen another side of him. I wish I knew him more. I wish I knew more about what kind of person he was. I wanted more time. If we had more time, we would’ve gone through things together. Maybe we would’ve gotten annoyed at each other and fight. Maybe we would’ve disliked each other, or liked each other more.
” Haruhiro

Haruhiro quotes

14- “I’m different from who I was yesterday. I wonder what I will be like tomorrow. Day by day, we live in the today and keep living to meet our future selves.
” Haruhiro

Haruhiro quotes

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