7 best Kyousuke Natsume quotes from Little Busters!

Best Kyousuke Natsume quotes:

1- “Every story has an ending. One day, we won’t be able to stay together.
” Kyousuke Natsume

Kyousuke Natsume quotes

2- “Fragility is always lurking behind our peaceful day-to-day life. Terrible things don’t only happen in places far beyond our reach.
” Kyousuke Natsume

Kyousuke Natsume quotes

3- “Love requires no reason. That is what makes it love!
” Kyousuke Natsume

Kyousuke Natsume quotes

4- “[Talking to Riki] We’ve spent time together that made our hearts dance. But every story has to come to an end. No one can stay a kid forever. Time passes, and people grow up. There will come a day when we will no longer be together.
” Kyousuke Natsume

Kyousuke Natsume quotes

5- “A peaceful every day life hides its fragility. Fear and violence aren’t just something in another world, completely unrelated to us. If a disaster happens, we can’t change it. But as long as we small gears are linked together, we can keep moving forward, even if it’s only one small step at a time.
” Kyousuke Natsume

Kyousuke Natsume quotes

6- “Anything can happen. No one ever thinks it will until it does. What will happen, happens. That’s how the world is. The most important thing is to not let the tragedy defeat you. To believe that you can get through it.
” Kyousuke Natsume

Kyousuke Natsume quotes

7- “If the world is full of things we never wanted to know, is our only option to look away? You won’t solve anything by looking away.
” Kyousuke Natsume

Kyousuke Natsume quotes
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