16 Best Zaraki Kenpachi quotes from Bleach

1- “It isn’t even interesting fighting against someone who doesn’t have their own goals.
” – Zaraki Kenpachi

Zaraki Kenpachi quotes

2-“Loyalty to someone is different from depending on them.
” – Zaraki Kenpachi

Zaraki Kenpachi quotes

3-“Death and pain are just a small price to pay for the enjoyment of battle!
” – Zaraki Kenpachi

Zaraki Kenpachi quotes

4-“Playing is more important. You can work any time.
” – Zaraki Kenpachi

Zaraki Kenpachi quotes

5-“Don’t be so stuck-up. Just enjoy this! Killing and being killed. They are just a way to pass time.
” – Zaraki Kenpachi

Zaraki Kenpachi quotes

6-“to Yammy after recieving his punch I barely feel a thing. Now I’m sure you think I’m a big fly or something. But if you are going to punch, you better put in some effort you great big worm.
” – Zaraki Kenpachi

Zaraki Kenpachi quotes

7-“Never admit defeat and ask for a quick death! Die first, then admit defeat! If you are defeated but didn’t die, it just means you were lucky! At those times, think only about survival! Survive and think only about killing the one who failed to kill you!
” – Zaraki Kenpachi

Zaraki Kenpachi quotes

8-“You idiot! There’s always shadows wherever there’s light!
” – Zaraki Kenpachi

Zaraki Kenpachi quotes

9-“Oh, shut up. I was just thinkin’. With four arms, you’re just gonna keep on blockin’ my blade. That’s no fun at all. So, while I was layin’ on the ground, I was thinkin’ about how to stop you blockin’ all my attacks. But, you know…I couldn’t think up a single good idea lying down there. So I figure…I’ll just have to take out those arms, one by one.
” – Zaraki Kenpachi

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Zaraki Kenpachi quotes

10-“It’s been so long that I forgot the pain of not having a name. Everyone had a name that friends use to call them, but I didn’t. That pain.
” – Zaraki Kenpachi

Zaraki Kenpachi quotes

11-“Finished? It’ll never be finished. A battle isn’t like some stupid argument. As long as someone’s still breathing, the fight isn’t over.
” – Zaraki Kenpachi

Zaraki Kenpachi quotes

12-“Playing comes first, you can work later!
” – Zaraki Kenpachi

Zaraki Kenpachi quotes

13-“How about I give you an advantage. Cut me anywhere you want.
” – Zaraki Kenpachi

Zaraki Kenpachi quotes

14-“Everyone who searches for power, without exception, searches for battle. Do you fight in order to become more powerful? Or do you want more power so you can fight?
” – Zaraki Kenpachi

Zaraki Kenpachi quotes

15-“Don’t just accept loss or defeat! Accept it after you’re dead. If you lose without dying… it means that luck is on your side. If that happens – focus on surviving! Survive and Kill the one who couldn’t kill YOU!
” – Zaraki Kenpachi

Zaraki Kenpachi quotes

16-“Sanity… what would I do with a useless thing like that?
” – Zaraki Kenpachi

Zaraki Kenpachi quotes

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